Download Application Form of National Internship Program (NIP)

Tuesday 17 July 2012

National Internship Program 2012
The National Internship Programmme is designed for the benefit of educated and unemployed youth all over the country, who have completed sixteen years of education from HEC recognized universities or degree awarding institutions. The scheme is intended to provide hands on experience and temporary financial relief to unemployed and educated youth and also to keep them engaged and interested in acquiring additional knowledge and real work life experiences, thereby facilitating their improved employability in the country.

Every year, thousands of youth complete sixteen years of education from recognized universities/degree awarding institutions in Pakistan in a whole range of academic disciplines. A considerable time gap between the completion of education and job availability in majority of cases results in a sense of frustration and waste of potential energy within educated youth. On the other hand, many public sector organizations also suffer from chronic shortage of officials in various cadres from time to time. In such circumstances, temporary placement of appropriate numbers of unemployed and educated youth in relevant and matching government outfits could be advantageous to the government as well as the unemployed youth.

The internship duration will be one year. The interns will however, be at liberty to leave the programme at any stage on 15 days advance notice. However, such interns will neither be entitled for internship completion certificate nor will they have any right to receive monthly stipend for the remaining period. 

The interns will be entitled to a monthly stipend of Rupees ten thousand (all inclusive) during the course of internship. The internship is however, in no way an offer of employment on a formal job.

Selection Criteria:
The programme is designed for: -

Fresh unemployed postgraduates and graduates of Ferderal regions and childeran of Federal govt, employee posted at islamabad, in all fields of studies who have completed sixteen years of formal education from HEC recognized Universities & Degree Awarding Institutions including external candidates;
The applicants must be 26 years or less of age by 31, DEC 2012.
Must have not availed the internship under NIP before.

Application and selection/placement mechanism 
Interested eligible candidates are invited to submit their applications "on-line" against the advertisement published in the newspapers. The application forms are available on website of NIP office of the Ministry of Youth Affairs. 
Every effort will be made during the selection process to assign the interns the most convenient locations to minimize the likelihood of accommodation, relocation or logistics issues. However, Government will be fully competent to place any intern in any organization or geographical location as deemed appropriate in the best interests of the scheme and such decision could not be challenged in any forum whatsoever. 

Terms & Conditions of Internship:

  • The internship is neither an offer of employment on a formal job nor does it confer any right of interns on future employment in the host organization. The programme simply aims to provide an opportunity for on the job training to enhance capacity and employability of interns for a better professional future.
  • The interns will be entitled for a monthly stipend of Rs.10, 000 (all inclusive) during one year term of the internship. They will not be entitled for government accommodation or traveling expenses during the term of their internship. They will however, be entitled for OPD medical facilities in government hospitals barring any major surgery, prolonged hospitalization and reimbursement of medical bills.
  • The interns will be required to join the programme on full time basis and follow relevant rules and regulations of the government organizations including observance of office working hours, confidentiality requirements and disciplinary rules applicable to government employees.
  • The interns will be entitled to only 20 days casual leave during the term of their internship.
  • The interns will be required to attend a three days "orientation programme" to be organized by the respective host organization
  • The interns will be issued internship completion certificates on successful completion of the programme based on a formal performance and rating mechanism. The evaluation mechanism will include appropriate weightage for attendance, performance on the job and other assignments, which may be allocated from time to time by the host organization.
  • The internship duration is one year. However, the Government reserves the right to terminate the internship of an internee at any stage.
  • The interns would be at liberty to leave the programme at any stage on 15 day's advance notice. However, such interns will neither be entitled for internship completion certificate nor will they have any right to receive monthly stipend for remaining period of the internship.

Address of NIPO Office? 
National Internship Programme Office,
Ministry of Proffessional and Technical Training,
Shaheed-e-Millat Secretariat,
Room # 01, 10th Floor, F-6/1,

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